[Release Notes] 20201021_v1 - Add language selector

Posted by CoderBridge on 2020-10-21


  1. Version: 20201021_v1
  2. Main Change: Add language selector and support i18n for English / Traditional Chinese now. If user has logged in, you can setup language in user settings or you can use the footer language selector. We will support more locale in the near future. We will work hard to achieve our vision to connect the developers all the world and help them growth.

[繁體中文 zh-tw]

  1. 更新版本:20200930_v1
  2. 主要更新:新增在地化語言選取和設定功能,若使用者已經登入,可以在使用者設定中選擇希望使用的語言。若尚未登入,可以在 footer 最底下使用下拉式選單選擇語言。目前主要支援英文和繁體中文,未來我們將陸續支援不同種類的語言。達成連結全世界的開發者,幫助他們成長的願景。


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